Thursday, 22 February 2018


We all like to understand ourselves a bit better and I was recently invited to take a psychometric test which looks at my Verbal Analysis Aptitude and Numerical Analysis Aptitude.

Both tests are 24 minutes against the clock and designed with a count-down timer to create a degree of pressure and stress to see how you respond.

Let’s examine a couple of really scenarios

Scenario 1 - There are 40 questions and Sam answers 20 of them, all correctly, in the time available. Score: Of the ones Sam answered Sam got them 100% right, but Sam only answers half the questions so Sam scores 50% Interpretation: Sam is slow, but correct.

Scenario 2- There are 40 questions and Alex answers 40 of them, getting only half of them right, in the time available. Score: Alex also scores 50%, but using a very different approach. Interpretation: Alex is fast, but not correct.

The scores are the same, but have very different interpretation which may be gathers be assessing the time spend on reading and responding to each question. Presupposing accurate timing of each was recorded.

Let’s examine different context and strategies with different implications

Strategy A – The aim is to get the most right, so if you are running out of time you are better guessing (and having a 20% chance of getting it right) rather than let the clock run-out and not score.

Strategy B – The aim is to get the least wrong, so if you are running out of time you are better spending time getting it right than being panicked or guessing wrong.

Real life implications

If you were in a business/culture/context where speed and getting most right made money or saved lives then you may consider Strategy A. Perhaps in this context Alex may be the better candidate.

If you were in a business/culture/context where accuracy getting is wrong cost lives or money then you may consider Strategy B. Perhaps in this context Sam may be the better candidate.

This was not an unusual psychometric test, but the implications of how the algorithms are interpreted and the context in which they are delivered produce very, very different outcomes.

What is interesting in this context is the GDPR Implications.

Under General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR] Sam or Alex are entitled to know how the process works. The have rights related to automated decision making including profiling. This type of test is specifically mentioned: “a recruitment aptitude test which uses pre-programmed algorithms and criteria.”


Because this type of processing is considered to be high-risk the GDPR requires you to carry out a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) to show that you have identified and assessed what those risks are and how you will address them.

GDPR also:
1.      requires you to give individuals specific information about the processing;
2.      obliges you to take steps to prevent errors, bias and discrimination; and
3.      gives individuals rights to challenge and request a review of the decision.

These provisions are designed to increase individuals’ understanding of how you might be using their personal data.

You must:
·         provide meaningful information about the logic involved in the decision-making process, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences for the individual;
·         use appropriate mathematical or statistical procedures;
·         ensure that individuals can:
a)       obtain human intervention;
b)       express their point of view; and
c)       obtain an explanation of the decision and challenge it;
·         put appropriate technical and organisational measures in place, so that you can correct inaccuracies and minimise the risk of errors;
·         secure personal data in a way that is proportionate to the risk to the interests and rights of the individual, and that prevents discriminatory effects.

If you are an HR professional or expert in psychometric testing I would be very interested in your feedback, experience and suggestions.

Friday, 9 February 2018

Has life get any better for Solopreneurs, Entrepreneurs and Start-Ups since 2015?

I met a former colleague today and we got chatting and it caused me to reflect upon the ciChange “think-tank” and a workshop for Solopreneurs done with the Chamber of Commerce in 2015.

Remember the economy was different in 2015, but I wonder how different the issues are in 2018?


With businesses, banks and government downsizing we can expect more people to become “reluctant entrepreneurs”. Indeed we anticipate the current financial black hole will see a significant amount of job shed and a number of people seeking new self-employment.

Moreover digital and global changes with decentralisation and mobility is bringing a shift back to “cottage industries”, working from home, or small shared hubs, like Digital Jersey.

ciChange are interested in independent consultants, solopreneurs and start-ups in Jersey. We’d like to discuss the challenges, pros and cons of setting up and running as an independent, and identify what experiences we can share, where might be able to collaborate and what would make the business of being an independent much easier, better and more rewarding.

Would you be prepared to complete a short survey and contribute to a 2 hour workshop?

We are looking for between 8 and 16 people to offer a spread of ideas, experience and industries. If more people are interested we may, with Chamber of Commerce and Jersey Business run further, future workshops and feedback sessions for the outcomes and progress.

The aim is to conclude with a report to be shared with Chamber of Commerce, Digital Jersey, and Jersey Business in an effort to help startups and solo independent consultants in Jersey.


There were 32 respondents to the questionnaire and workshop audience (12) invited to “score” their top 3 issues, and those with the highest score got discussed first.

Score   Theme
9          Coaching / mentoring (Fear?)
7          What government can (and cannot) do (incl tax, socsec, gst etc)
3          Charge rates
3          Legal Start-Up Pack (insurance, accounting, employment law etc.)
3          Startup funding (including incubators)
3          Growth strategy and growth implementation
2          Ability to work with the States
2          Skills level
1          Structured guidance
1          Understanding finance, funding IT
1          Light industry opportunities
0          Market prices / market information
0          Directors responsibilities

We then explored the top 2 in the greatest detail and identified the following broad themes and 20 ideas for improvement (not listed here in the interests of brevity!). 
1.      There was a feeling that social, economic and technology changes combined with increases in bureaucracy mean that more people will be independent and work in loose affiliations and groups in preference to building larger organisations.

2.      There was criticism of some agencies for not being joined-up and at times being critical without being constructive with advice. Guidance in some cases is inconsistent and not coherent resulting in stop-start and dead alleys as people move from one agency to another.

3.      There was concern about guidance and support on issues relating to redundancy and startups, noting that redundancy often produces “reluctant entrepreurs” who need guidance and support.

4.      There was discussion of some form or barter system or credits whereby independents might collaborate, cooperate and help each other, perhaps through forums or sponsored networking events.


I wonder how much has changed? Is there a need for a joined-up forum, focus-group or support network for Solopreneurs, Entrepreneurs and Start-Ups.

Or are these issues now addressed by the positive steps  and supportive services provided by Digital Jersey, Jersey Business, Chamber of Commerce, Barclay’s Digital Eagle and IoD?

I would be interested in comments and feedback.



Tim Rogers is a Qualified Change Practitioner and PRINCE2 Project Manager, with an MBA in Management Consultancy. Past projects have included the incorporation of Ports of Jersey and Operations Change and Sales Support for RBSI and NatWest. He is a tutor/lecturer for the Chartered Management Institute. 


+447797762051 Skype: timhjrogers

Thursday, 8 February 2018

8 Essential Qualities That Define Great Leadership, and one problem.

The article below puts together a good argument for all the points listed, but then uses an image of three men. Where is the diversity?

1. Sincere enthusiasm
2. Integrity
3. Great communication skills
4. Loyalty
5. Decisiveness
6. Managerial competence
7. Empowerment
8. Charisma

Please read the article, because it does make some good points

I have to say I am a fan of the Goleman Model which identifies 6 leadership styles. Mostly because in my CMI tutor/mentor I adopt a Coaching-style and as a project manager asked to get things done quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively I generally adopt a Pacesetting-style.

1.         Coercive.
2.         Authoritative.
3.         Affiliative.
4.         Democratic.
5.         Coaching.
6.         Pacesetting.

The skill is to apply these in the right measures and context to fit the individual, culture, and circumstance.

Read more here

Feedback, comments, insights and challenge always welcome.

Flexible Leadership Calls for Both Leadership and Management

It is said that “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” ― Peter F. Drucker, The Essential Drucker

Today there is a lot of focus on leadership and I fear that the value of management (doing things right) is being undervalued. Mission, Vision and Values are important. But Execution - actually doing the things that need to be done - is also important.

I like the idea of Fusing Leadership and Management

Although these are both defensible points of view, research on flexible adaptive leadership finds the distinctions to not be particularly helpful for either leaders/managers themselves or the HR professionals who are charged with developing leaders/managers

Read more here

Feedback, comments, insights and challenge always welcome.

Saturday, 3 February 2018

6 Questions to determine successful leadership

  1. I know what is expected of me at work
  2. I have the materials and equipment I need to do my job right
  3. I have the opportunity to do what I do best every-day
  4. In the last 7 days I have received recognition or praise for doing good work
  5. Someone at work encourages my development
  6. At work, my opinions count


+447797762051 Skype: timhjrogers

Coupled with stress, ethical leadership can lead to employee deviance and turnover

Key points

“If someone is an ethical leader but induces stress, our research shows that his or her employees will feel less support,” said lead author Matthew Quade, Ph.D., assistant professor of management. “Thus, employees who do not feel supported are more likely to consider leaving their jobs or engage in workplace deviance – things like coming in late to work, daydreaming, not following instructions or failing to be as productive as they could be.”

The researchers wrote: “Ethical leadership can be an exacting process of sustaining high ethical standards, ensuring careful practice and enforcement of all rules and meeting leaders’ lofty expectations, all of which can consume time and energy and be perceived by employees as overly demanding or an obstacle to job performance.”

As part of the study, those surveyed were asked to what extent they agreed or disagreed with the following statements:

  • My supervisor makes it so that I have to go through a lot of red tape to get my job done.
  • Working with my supervisor makes it hard to understand what is expected of me.
  • I receive conflicting requests from my supervisor.
  • My supervisor creates many hassles to go through to get projects/assignments done.
  • Working with him/her thwarts my personal growth and well-being.
  • In general, I feel that my supervisor hinders my personal accomplishment.
  • I feel that my supervisor constrains my achievement of personal goals and development.

See more at


+447797762051 Skype: timhjrogers

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion

Key points

"Management is doing things right, leadership is about doing the right things." Peter Drucker defines the differential aspects of management (doing things right) versus leadership (doing the right things). All leaders must manage others, but not all managers are leaders. Understand the difference and equip your direct reports to manage the process and simultaneously do the right things for the organization.

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion." Alexander the Great employs the concept of "Moira" a term used by ancient Greeks regarding a person's fate or destiny.

Nations are not fearful of lions being led by a sheep, but rather an army of sheep led by lions. It is the personification of leadership, the strong lead and the weak follow. Strong leadership can turn sheep into lions.

"A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves." Lao Tzu implores us to lead by example and being present but empowering others to achieve the goals and mission of the organization. Good leaders give credit to the team and take the blame when things go wrong.

"Are you green and growing or ripe and rotting?" Ray Kroc took an underdeveloped hamburger restaurant to a global empire. The adage of green and growing compared to ripe and rotting carries a significant metaphor for leaders. Leaders must engage, grow, evolve, adapt and apply to be successful leaders.

It is when leaders quit learning and think they have evolved to their highest capacity in the organization that they begin to become ripe and rotten. If plants need to be nurtured, so do employees. Nurture others and evolve to be of service to others and watch your leadership domain prosper.

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." Steve Jobs argues that innovators are leaders and not followers. Jobs takes this to the next leadership level in that innovators are ones that continually explore, seek new adventures, and have foresight for the next iteration of the organization. As thought leaders continue to innovate and explore new opportunities to make your organization soar to new heights.

See more at

+447797762051 Skype: timhjrogers